Sonntag, 4. November 2012

The polical pictures showing the difference of USA Presidential Campaign and China Chairman Electrion

The polical pictures showing the difference of USA President Campaign  and China Chairman Electrion

US-Wahlkampf zwischen Barack Obama und Mitt Romney

In the Telvison Debate
The polical pictures showing the difference of USA Presidential Campaign  and China Chairman Electrion
Left or Right,let time tell us!
Ballots from Civilian
USA Presidential Campaign  and China Chairman Electrion
This is the question,thus Shakespear Says.

Below displays chinese way chairman electrion and so-called People condidate!
Raise Hand,they always do that!

I know Who will be the New Chinaman in 2012!
chinese communist party autocrat
Xi Jinping
桃李不言,下自成蹊。One picture worths one thousand words!  Freedom?Democrocy?Election?Civilian we chinese people are?!!! written before the eve of elections in Both China and America Wahl.

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