張擇端清明上河圖数字版 Zhang Zeduan QINGMING
2010年友曾經參觀上海世博會,其間在中國館覓到張擇端清明上河圖的數字動畫版,甚為歡喜。幾經輾轉,一如北宋清明上河圖之曲折,方得到此影像。念出傳送與我,甚為珍惜讚歎。該作品大膽的以原畫為摹本,進行數字化形象化處理,栩栩如生地再現當年汴京繁華,為宣傳民族文化提供了一個記號範例。傳承文明 匹夫有責,特此已傳至網路,為發揚華夏文明,保存傳世經典,盡綿薄之力。
Die Qingming-Rolle (清明上河圖 / Along the River During the Qingming Festival) ist das berühmteste Bild des chinesischen Malers Zhang Zeduan.
Die Bildrolle zeigt das Alltagsleben der Stadt Kaifeng, der Hauptstadt der Nördlichen Song-Dynastie während des chinesischen Totengedenktags Qingming. Die Rolle hat eine Höhe von 24,8 Zentimetern und eine Länge von 528,7 Zentimetern.
Das Besondere an der Qingming-Rolle ist,dass sie eines der wenigen Gemälde der früheren kaiserlichen Sammlung ist, die sich heute in der Volksrepublik China befinden. Puyi schätzte dieses Bild sehr und nahm es mit sich, als er von den Japanern als Kaiser von Mandschukuo installiert wurde. Dadurch befand es sich nicht mehr in der Verbotenen Stadt, als die Repulik China bei ihrer Flucht nach Taiwan die Kunstwerke des Kaiserpalasts wegführte.
Im Jahr 1945 wurde die Qingming-Rolle wieder nach Peking zurückgekauft und befindet sich seitdem im Palastmuseum.
Kaifeng war die Hauptstadt der Nördlichen Song-Dynastie.
Along the River During the Qingming Festival (simplified Chinese: 清明上河图; traditional Chinese: 清明上河圖; pinyin: Qīngmíng Shànghé Tú) is a panoramic painting by Song Dynasty artist Zhang Zeduan (1085--1145). It captures the daily life of people and the landscape of the capital, Bianjing, today's Kaifeng, from the Song period. The theme celebrates the festive spirit and worldly commotion at the Qingming Festival, rather than the holiday's ceremonial aspects, such as tomb sweeping and prayers. The entire piece was painted in hand scroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all levels of the society from rich to poor as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city.
It offers glimpses of period clothing and architecture. As an artistic creation, the piece has been revered and court artists of subsequent dynasties have made several re-interpretive replicas. It is considered to be the most renowned work among all Chinese paintings, and it has been called "China's Mona Lisa."[4]
Over the centuries, the Qingming scroll was collected and kept among numerous private owners, before it eventually returned to public ownership. The painting was a particular favorite of emperor Puyi, who took the Song Dynasty original (25.5 by 525 cm) (10 in by 17 ft 3 in)[5] with him to Manchukuo. It was later re-purchased in 1945 and kept at the Palace Museum in the Forbidden City.
About 20 to 30 variations on this topic by artists of subsequent dynasties were made. Several Ming and Qing versions can be found in public and private collections around the world.[6] Each version follows the overall composition of the original fairly faithfully, however, the details often vary widely. The Song Dynasty original and the Qing version, in the Beijing and Taipei Palace Museums respectively, are regarded as national treasures and are exhibited only for brief periods every few years. For instance, the wait in Beijing to see the painting was three and a half hours.
朝喧弦管,暮列笙琶。繁華盡羅,鐵馬顰鼓一聲歇,任後人恣意憑欄吊衰。 上元佳節 星如雨 皆胡塵,世間兒女 籬落呼燈,依稀照見舊時景。
Die Bildrolle zeigt das Alltagsleben der Stadt Kaifeng, der Hauptstadt der Nördlichen Song-Dynastie während des chinesischen Totengedenktags Qingming. Die Rolle hat eine Höhe von 24,8 Zentimetern und eine Länge von 528,7 Zentimetern.
Das Besondere an der Qingming-Rolle ist,dass sie eines der wenigen Gemälde der früheren kaiserlichen Sammlung ist, die sich heute in der Volksrepublik China befinden. Puyi schätzte dieses Bild sehr und nahm es mit sich, als er von den Japanern als Kaiser von Mandschukuo installiert wurde. Dadurch befand es sich nicht mehr in der Verbotenen Stadt, als die Repulik China bei ihrer Flucht nach Taiwan die Kunstwerke des Kaiserpalasts wegführte.
Im Jahr 1945 wurde die Qingming-Rolle wieder nach Peking zurückgekauft und befindet sich seitdem im Palastmuseum.
Kaifeng war die Hauptstadt der Nördlichen Song-Dynastie.
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Along the River During the Qingming Festival (simplified Chinese: 清明上河图; traditional Chinese: 清明上河圖; pinyin: Qīngmíng Shànghé Tú) is a panoramic painting by Song Dynasty artist Zhang Zeduan (1085--1145). It captures the daily life of people and the landscape of the capital, Bianjing, today's Kaifeng, from the Song period. The theme celebrates the festive spirit and worldly commotion at the Qingming Festival, rather than the holiday's ceremonial aspects, such as tomb sweeping and prayers. The entire piece was painted in hand scroll format and the content reveals the lifestyle of all levels of the society from rich to poor as well as different economic activities in rural areas and the city.
Over the centuries, the Qingming scroll was collected and kept among numerous private owners, before it eventually returned to public ownership. The painting was a particular favorite of emperor Puyi, who took the Song Dynasty original (25.5 by 525 cm) (10 in by 17 ft 3 in)[5] with him to Manchukuo. It was later re-purchased in 1945 and kept at the Palace Museum in the Forbidden City.
About 20 to 30 variations on this topic by artists of subsequent dynasties were made. Several Ming and Qing versions can be found in public and private collections around the world.[6] Each version follows the overall composition of the original fairly faithfully, however, the details often vary widely. The Song Dynasty original and the Qing version, in the Beijing and Taipei Palace Museums respectively, are regarded as national treasures and are exhibited only for brief periods every few years. For instance, the wait in Beijing to see the painting was three and a half hours.
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朝喧弦管,暮列笙琶。繁華盡羅,鐵馬顰鼓一聲歇,任後人恣意憑欄吊衰。 上元佳節 星如雨 皆胡塵,世間兒女 籬落呼燈,依稀照見舊時景。
朝喧弦管,暮列笙琶。繁華盡羅,鐵馬顰鼓一聲歇,任後人恣意憑欄吊衰。 上元佳節 星如雨 皆胡塵,世間兒女 籬落呼燈,依稀照見舊時景。Es gefaellt mir die Gedichtesange